We can make technology accessible!


At MKA we believe in dedicating ourselves to providing a cost effective and highly experienced team to businesses across the globe. We at MKA ensure that our resources encompass the skills set of various development methods, programming standards, project management, usability testing and quality assurance. By leveraging our extensive and proven expertise across technology platforms and systems, your business can exploit the universal benefits of outsourcing and build a competitive advantage that is difficult to beat in any other way.

Business Savy

We get it. It’s not just about writing code. It’s about building a better path to profitability. Over 14 years of working with more than a thousand companies, we’ve seen what works, and what doesn’t. Clear communication allows us to see your vision, tailor a solution to meet your business needs and guide you on the path to get there faster, and more cost-effectively.

Innovation Builder

We’ve developed a unique and powerful collaboration process to facilitate and inspire the creativity, to build on ideas, and to take your project beyond what you envisioned. With real-time communication, you’ll not only see the progress, but also have the ability to collaborate with your developers and team to drive innovation.

Collaboration Platform

This is what turns a good developer into a great developer. Your Employee will leverage the collective knowledge of the entire organization to proactively avoid problems and meet challenges in the most proven and effective way. It allows our 300 developers with a broad spectrum of expertise to collaborate on your project and take it beyond what you had imagined.

Agile Project Management

Great developers are not always great project managers. That’s why all our employees are highly trained and experienced in Agile Project Management. That’s how we complete projects faster, and more efficiently. It allows you to get you out of the development phase, and into the revenue phase more quickly and at a lower cost.

Communication Protocol

Here’s the key to our success. Communication leads to a better understanding of your project’s goals, and a far better end result, faster. There’s no middle man. You’ll communicate directly with our developer via video conferencing, instant messaging, email, or just pick up the phone. You’ll have our developer’s personal cell phone number.

Developer Experties

Through careful selection and screening, we’ve built a team of highly educated and highly experienced developers with a strong success record. But what makes our developer great is our proven development process using the team approach, Collaboration Platform, Innovation Driver and consistent, clear communication.

Service Areas

Mobile App Development

In the world of Anytime, Anywhere and Any Device access, our mobile engineering services help organizations build innovative, reliable, secure, and robust mobile solutions.

Web Development

Offering deep technology knowledge and wide breadth of experience across multiple industries to help clients with their custom web solutions development and maintenance initiatives.

Digital Marketing

In today’s informative world, it is imperative for businesses to keep their website updated. Outdated content on the site not only costs the company to lose its potential customers.

Brand Communications

MKA is a full service Web and Mobile application design company that leverages focused intelligence and key insights to refine the level of product you offer your users.


MKA provides Mobile application design company that leverages focused intelligence and key insights to refine the level of product you offer your users.


A database management system (DBMS) is a computer software application that interacts with the user, other applications, and the database itself to capture and analyze data.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Development & Software Solutions – Companies rely heavily on CRM technology tools to manage interactions with current & future customers.


Whether you are looking for a reasonable eCommerce package or custom development, we have an eCommerce solution that is perfect for your business.

Testing Services

Our testing services covers all of your testing needs from System application testing, Continuous Integration, Digital, SOA & API testing, Service Virtualization, Test environment management, Test data management, Web, Mobile device, Performance, Automation & security testing.

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